BIG BROTHER 3 (2006.)
Big Brother 3 is the third season of the Croatian reality television series Big Brother that premiered on 8 September 2006, and ran for 99 days. The prize is increased from 1 million HRK (134 000 EUR) to 1.5 million HRK (200 000 EUR), but it is expected that the actual winner would get significantly lower amount due to penalties for various House rule violations. Producers introduced this as a response to criticism of the second season, when they were perceived to be too tolerant of contestants' misbehaviour.
In the third season, the housemate were originally 12. Later, 2 new housemates - selected by the candidates from the pool of 4 - entered the House.
Tanja was the "guardian angel" and had the power to save one of her Housemates from being nominated. On the 2nd nominations, on Day 21, by votes of the Housemates Lea and Zoran were supposed to be nominated. Tanja saved Lea from being nominated. Instead of Lea, Ana and Dragica were nominated. 7 days later Dragica left the House. Tanja lost her power because she disrespected Big Brother's order not to mention anything to the other Housemates. On the 3rd nominations on Day 35 she was nominated by Big Brother. Lea and Simon were also nominated from the side of their Housemates.
The 3rd nominations were also Public Nominations. On these nominations Housemates had to nominate 2 Housemates in front of the rest of the Housemates. On these nominations everyone nominated the same Housemates they have nominated on the day before; during the False Nominations, except Yameisey who has changed her mind and had nominated Zoran instead of Simon and Simon who took the chance to revenge and had nominated Ana and Ante instead of Danijel and Zoran. 7 days later, Simon left the House.
Lea in the 1st week of the show received a secret mission from BigBrother. She had to sabotage the Housemates and had to be nominated when the nominations come. Lea, also as Tanja, received an order not to mention anything about her secret mission or she will be evicted. She disrespected the order by hinting something to her Housemates and on Day 7 Big Brother told her that her secret mission was successful, but Big Brother took 20 000 HRK (2670 EUR) from the Main Prize because Lea had hinted something to her Housemates.
On Day 56 Violeta received her secret mission which gives her big power. On Day 55 Big Brother told the Housemates that they have to compose the order on which they will enter the Confessions Room and nominate 2 Housemates. Violeta was placed last on that list. Violeta became the Juda of Big Brother House. If she tells or hints something to her Housemates she will lost her power and be nominated on the next nominations. How does her power work? On nominations Violeta will always nominate last. When she enters the Confessions Room Big Brother will tell her who are the nominated Housemates. She has to choose 1 Housemate who isn't nominated. That Housemate also becomes nominated. On Day 56 that Housemate was Tanja who had 0 votes of the rest of the Housemates.
Danijel received a secret mission to sabotage the week task. The task was to make wine. Danijel had to spill some wine every time when Big Brother asks Yameisy to come to the Confessions Room. Thanks to Danijel Housemates passed the week task. If Danijel had failed the Housemates would have failed the week task.
From Days 71-77 Violeta had a secret mission to break 14 plates, hide the House credit card and to stock Ante. Violeta was successful in her secret mission. For reward Big Brother applied the Housemates requests for buying cigarettes, entering in the Surprise Room and playing music quiet than louder while waking the Housemates.
Big Brother told that every housemate will be hypnotised by a hypnotiser Leon The Great. Actually none of the housemates were hypnotised. They all were not hypnotised on the excuse that they have a secret mission. All of the secret missions were successful!
On the final, 99th Day 10 Housemates who left the House came back in the House, but not as participants, but as friends on the finalists so they can help them to "cut" time while the show is running and the final results aren't announced. Big Brother prepared Yameisy a surprise and brought her mother Julia from Cuba. It was a huge and a great surprise for Yameisy. Yameisy told that she won a million only by seeing her mother.
99 days
1.500.000,00 kn
(199.084,21 €)
1.250.000,00 kn
(165.903,51 €)
Danijel Rimanić
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